Materials Science and Engineering Program includes but is not limited to the following broad areas of concentration: 1) Bio and Nano Materials; 2) Materials for Energy and Sustainability; 3) Electronics and Photonic Materials.
Master of Science Degree Requirements
To receive the degree of Master of Science (MS) in Materials Science and Engineering, the student is required to complete at least 30 semester hours of graduate studies as the follows:
- At least 6 hours should be from the core: at least 3 hours in each of two core categories: Thermodynamics and Introduction to Materials.
- At least 9 hours should be in the area of concentration of the student. These courses will be recommended/assigned by the academic advisor.
- At least 6 hours of additional coursework listed in Materials Science and Engineering course offering.
- MS with Thesis:
- Six hours of thesis (6399 and 7399) and at least 3 hours of research (6x98) in the department of faculty advisor.
- Thesis: The thesis committee shall consist of at least three (3) faculty members. Student's advisor will serve as the chairman of the committee. At least two committee members need to be affiliated with the Materials Science and Engineering program.
- At least 15 hours should be in coursework offered by the College of Engineering
MS without Thesis:
- At least 9 hours of additional coursework in course listed in Materials Science and Engineering course offering. (Appendix C)
- At least 18 hours should be in coursework offered by the College of Engineering
- An average GPA of 3.0 in all courses applied toward the degree must be attained to qualify for graduation.
Doctoral Degree Requirements
The Ph.D. is the highest degree granted by the University and its possession signifies that the holder has demonstrated the ability to perform independent, original research. The student's principal objective is to produce a dissertation that can be considered a significant contribution to the field of knowledge in materials engineering.
Course Requirements
- Coursework Requirements:
- BS-PhD track: Students are required to complete coursework requirements for MS students without a thesis (30 hours of coursework);
- MS-PhD track (MS in Materials Science and Engineering earned at UH): At least 9 hours of additional coursework in course listed in Materials Science and Engineering course offering; At least 3 hours out of 9 should be in coursework offered by the College of Engineering
- MS-PhD track (MS earned outside of the UH): Students are required to complete coursework requirements for MS students with a thesis (21 hours of coursework);
- 24 hours of research and 12 hours of dissertation in the department of the student's faculty advisor.
- An average GPA of 3.0 in all courses applied toward the degree must be attained to qualify for graduation.
Qualifying Examination
The qualifying exam is focused on two objectives:
- Determine the suitability of the student’s proposed research proposal to lead to a satisfactory PhD dissertation, and
- Determine the student’s background and command of the proposed subject and all supporting fields of study. The student will be assumed to be familiar with the technical aspects of his/her field of study as well as all relevant literature. The student will presents on a small research project followed by Q&A session where the student will demonstrate the competence to conduct the PhD level research.
Committee Composition:
- The committee should consist of 3 members: advisor, at least one Materials Science and Engineering faculty member(s), at most one non-Materials Engineering faculty member (with expertise in relevant materials research)
Dissertation Committee
The dissertation committee shall consist of at least five (5) members. The dissertation advisor will serve as the Chair of the committee. At least three committee members shall be affiliated with Materials Science and Engineering program. At least one committee member shall be from outside of the Materials Science and Engineering program. The Director shall approve and form the dissertation committee. Optional: The student may be asked by the Advisor to present the dissertation proposal to the dissertation committee.
Dissertation Defense
Each doctoral candidate will be required to present and defend his/her dissertation at a public meeting.